Monday 19 September 2011

it's hurt me when:

it's hurt me when you keep on mad at me
it's hurt me when you keep on talk about my mistakes
it's hurt me when you always neglect me
its hurt me when you make me cry before i sleep
it's hurt me when you ruined my plan about us
it's hurt me when you always think about yourself
it's hurt me when you didn't care about me
it's hurt me when you keep asking me to think about your feeling
it's hurt me when i talk about us and you keep on talking about yourself
it's hurt me when your didn't talk about us although I've stay by your side for more than three years
it's hurt me when you keep on focusing about your friends all time
it's hurt me when you keep forgetting about my problems and my  plans
it's really hurt me T-T

YA ALLAH, kuatkanlah hati hambaMu ini. Aamiin...

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